I was walking down the hall when I heard a voice scream my name
( Elizabeth?)
I turned my back and I saw nothing but a long dark hall, I started to walk down the hall thinking there was someone there and when I reached the end I saw a Little girl leaning against the door at the end of the hall the door slowly started to creak open but the girl just stood there. The door opened and the cleaner just walked straight through her. I walked away hoping she wouldn't notice
(Where are you going?) The little girl asked me
(Home) I Replied
(You can see me!?) The girl said surprised (Umm… Yeah) I said wondering what she meant
(Do you know who I am?)
I saw a old lady come out of the door the cleaner came out
(Maggie are you talking to humans again I told you not to do that after what happened last time)
(Maggie are you talking to humans again I told you not to do that after what happened last time)
(Sorry I’ve got to go now) she said running to the lady
(Wait, Why can’t you talk to me?) I shouted to her and what happened last time