Tuesday, June 6, 2017

My weekend!!

On Friday at 12:00 at night my mum came and took me to hokitika we stayed at her friends house for the night then we went to my mums friends work and she made me a juice and then we went to my sisters house and played bored games and watched a movie then my other sister and her boyfriend came and she brought me some chips and a drink from McDonald then we had fish and chips for tea and stayed there a night the next day my sister's and Blair went to check out the haunted houses and me mum and Jed had to look after my nephew then me mum and Jed went to a motel for the night and my friend came and we went to the beach and we got lollies and ice cream and we were going to go for a swim in the motel pool but I forgot to bring my togs so we jumped on the trampoline instead the next day I went home and on the way I went to my sisters house to say goodbye but they had to go to the hospital because my nephew was really sick and we found out that he has a heart infection and was in hospital then I went home and dad brought me home a baby possum.  

1 comment:

  1. Aimee; Lucy's MumJune 9, 2017 at 9:10 AM

    Yay Lucy, Mum finally gets a mention on the blog, about time, haha. The weekend went way too fast for me and the only good thing about that is that it means we're closer the holidays; you're coming to chill with us in Nelson.
    Blake didn't have a heart infection sweetcheeks, he had a chest infection.
    You got a baby possum?!? Do you still have it? Are you keeping it? Did you name it? Oh and also; eeeew!!!
    Your recount of the weekend was very good darling. Some grammar and more detailed information about what we did while we were there or some personal emotion or feeling surrounding the events talked about within ou would help with the flow when reading; especially for the people who weren't there and haven't been.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.